Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stress + Relief...

After almost a month finding myself in the drains.... Finally i managed to coop up with all the taskes given...
Feel so stress since i've involved in the documentation...

warrGGhhhh!!!... everyday at least got 2 Engineering Reports have to be completed.... Luckily i got a very reliable partner...

Anyhow, i felt relief bcoz i could handle most of the tasks by myself.... depending on others could possible make me irritates by, i guess i better learne fast as  much as i can....hehehehe

So..... for this month payroll, i bet i sure hit the numbers....hehehhe..
I have started dreamin' of to buy alot of things include to my beloved family.... Yes!! thats my priority now....

To own a stunning car could be the last priority in my list..... For now.. i sill pursuing my target to own a very relaxing and comfortable home for my family.. my son and wife could surely be proud of me... thus, i could be their inspiration to accelerate on this world after showered with several obstacles which created by myself and from above.....

Syukur... Allah still with me... maybe giving me another chance to enhance myself to be a better Khalifah... Maybe, He wants to test me since i've done tonnes of sins until today's date. So.... i wish, all of Muslims, will step ahead and climbing the steps of success not only for the temporarily world we have been living but also the world after Death....

My Goal is to prepare myself with both achievements before i close my eyes..................


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Arisen of the Warrior....!!

Since about quiet sometimes after being preoccupied with my work overloaded........

"Arisen".... "Waken up".....

Those words actually describe myself right now... With my new determinations and inspirations, i belief that i could turn out to be a better lad toward myself, my family and also to Allah..

By writing it here.... it's like my "Black and White" documents which needs me to focus on improving myself for the rest of my life..

But.. to achieve the top level or highly ranked 'khalifah', for sure there obstacles which we usually stumbled in the middle of our way..... i dont know why..... i still cant manage to endure those obstacles.... sometimes i do feel like i forget to fullfill my priority... which is meeting You..Ya Allah....!

According to the Ulama' , Those obstacles are the test from Allah for us... The more you want to meet Him, the more you will encounter those obstacles.... But, those obstacles, could be hurdles or resolves by compelety tawakal to HIm.. InsyaAllah... I believed in that......


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 29: Plant Visit GPP A.... continues

Once checked in at the Awana, Mr Azwanizam invited me to join him for dinner. Actually, one of his old friends is buying that night. He picked us up with his sports car... DAMN!! i wish i could have one..... HONDA EURO!! very nice manufactured sports car. Mr Azwanizam introduced me to him. After several chit chats, he is actually an Uniten Ex-student. He worked with a contractor company soon after he graduates. JEeeeZZZZ...
Hopefully im lucky as him.

Dinner at "Tomyam restaurant" located at ............."damn! i cant remember the place... the foods are quite nice... maybe im actually starving to death that time.. my last meal is at 12pm... and the time shows 1030pm when we are having dinner that time.... what a day.!! By the way.... i guess, since the foods is free... all the foods seems to be nice...hahhahahaha... FREE is ALWAYS GOOD!!.. hahahahaha

----- Back to the plant visits--- i've been toured around the GPP accompanied by the 2 skillel master of the plant itself. They brought me to the MCC panel room. This room is actually prohibited to non-permitted personnel to enter. Luckily, they are all friends, and i managed to leak myself in the room. The room is cold... this ventilation needed in order to maintain the temperature of the running MCCs. Those MCC and Switchgears are the main component of the plant operation. The heat could burn and thus damage the MCCs. Worst case, PETRONAS will loose a lot of money just by 1 minutes lagging..  So, prevention method is still applies to be the most effective ways of maintaining the operations.   

Inside the control Room, there are a person incharged as knwon as the " keeper" for all the equipments inside. This is due to the vital operation of the MCCs in order to ensure the production is running without any failure, faulty and difficulties.

Through the touring period, i could see bulky generators, compressors, all sizes of pipes... heard a lot of noises due to the operations of the machines... There areas inside the GPP A is almost equal to 15-20 soccer fields.. so you can imagine how spacious it is.... 

The spacey surrounding between the pipes and the machines, kept to my attentions.. Actually, those space are required for several purposes. There are:

  1. For Safety purposes - the space could slower the effects of damages towards the vital loads
  2. for Improvisation - the space could be the reserve area for new constructions
  3. The Lengthy Pipes need some space and it is due to the effects of the gas... certain gas needed to be reduce the heats before certain processes...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 28: GPP A ambush!!hehehe

Oraitz....Settled with the outfits, now.. i am ready to ambush the GPP A areas. The one and only question which still inflating in my mind is.... how am going inside the plant...?? With Foot?? Wargh... damn stress if it is gonna be real...

Mr Shafie, approached me and told me that i need to undergo safety class before i could enter the plant area. Thus, One of the HSE officer give a safety briefing to me on whats do's & don't's during my visit inside the plant. Soon after finished, Mr Shafie bring me to the front yard and ....quoted.. " hah.... kita ada kenderaan best utk mask ka dalam"... Hurm.... i guess it must be a petronas rotten pick up which i just saw not far from me. " Kita naek BASIKAL..!!"... " Hah sebelum tu, ambik Pam ni... Pam tayar basikal..."...he added. Hah, WHAT??? A Bicycle?? 

Serious man.... im laughing at myself while pumping the bicycles. They gotta be joking with me.... but it is too late that i knew, they are actually serious on what have they voiced out...hahhahaha. 
Basikal pon basikal lah.......

Once i hopped on the bike, we started our journey to ambush the GPP A plant. Actually, Bicycle is the main transport used by the site workers at the Gas plant. In other perspective it  could be true in terms of the safety awareness. Since we are at the Gas plant, any spark could leads to major damages. Fire could be lid once the 3 combustions factors take place ; Oxygen, fuel and ignition. 

My touring visit to GPP A, was accompanied by Mr Shafie & Mr Azmi Jusoh. They toured me around all the 4 GPP A area. Theres a lot of questions that i have been asking during the visit. Both of them is really helpful and cooperative. You all know what, the design of the plant is really complicated and use a lot of spaces. The pipes was very long, go upside down, turn back and the interesting part is.... everybody is really into their work..  So i guessed,  even the lower levels of workers, have been polished to show and practice professionalism of conduct inside the plant. What a well organisation.........   

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 27: Plant Visit continues....

The Journey from K.L to Kerteh is around 5 hours..(90 KM/H driving practice).. Hurm.. it is quite tiring plus,the scenery is not like what i expected... i thought, the beauty nature could be perceived along the way there... but, the journey is accompanied by the rubber estate and some parched land... We cant hardly see communities all the way long.. you can imagine how boring it is...

My life of excitement began, when our Kia Citra is actually arrive at Kemaman... Wow.. !! It is quite impressive.. better than other small town that i've known.. We are heading to The AWANA Hotels as Mr Azwanizam is sharing his room with me.. How lucky i am.. hahaha. 

...Back to Work...  Continuing about the apparel, the helmets and goggles harmonizes my appearance under the yellow coated cover all. Mr Azwanizam has assigned one of the chargeman to accompany me touring the GPP A. So...the basic idea... i have been passed to somebody else to bring me inside the plant...

Mr Shafiee provides me with as ear plugs... "Jangan lupa pakai..dalam tu Bising". Hurm... i wonder, is there any metal cutting operation inside the plant which needed me to plugged in my ears with this thing....huemm

Helmets and Goggles

Cover All Outfit

Safety Boots

Since i am a newcomer, the outfits, helmets and boots are all new given to me...hehehe... Actually, it was sponsored by the company. Oraitz.... Im ready to go.....!! hihhiihihi

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 26: Plant Site Visit.... GPP A Kerteh!

Monday!! This the most exciting Monday since I've been training here at PGB. Mr. Azwanizam wants to bring me to visit the Gas Processing Plant (GPP) at Kerteh , Terengganu. Wow!! it is actually my 2nd visit to Terengganu and it is my 1st time trip to Kerteh. I heard, it is also called as kampung PETRONAS since there are numerous of plants under the name of PETRONAS.

For PGB (Petronas Gas Berhad), the plant is only on-land plant which is situated at Kerteh. My first thought before joining PGB, all plants are located in the middle of the sea..Offshore. Hurm.. Obviously, what i imagine is totally wrong.

Lets talk about GPP (Gas Processing Plant). GPP functions is to process the natural gas from the gas fields offshore of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. There are actually overall 6 plants under PGB which is divided into two   location areas, A and B. So there are 2 plants locations which are GPP A at Kerteh, and GPP B at Paka. My visits is mainly focusing on GPP A. Inside GPP-A, there are 4 plants. and for GPP-B, there are 2 plants. Up to my concern, even though GPP-B only consists of 2 plants, the area of the location is approximately the same as GPP-A area.
The difference of GPP-A and GPP-B is only the operation of the plants. The Plants location was highly secured and there are a lot of procedures need to be followed. I have to wear appropriate outfits called "cover all"... a yellow colour of top and bottom attached clothes which a foreman usually wears. To be honest, it looks cool....but, only God knows how hot it is inside.... plus.... i am wearing an office wear, long sleeves and slacks...hahaha... Damn COOL MAN!! hahaha

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 25: TFDD Communication Sessions

Finally... Friday come again.. seriously, since i have temporary changed my profession as what we called from a student to a " working" individual, Friday is the most exciting day to be waited. Yeah.. as what u guessed, the weekend 'mode' could cause everybody lifting long lastingness smiles. Surely, everybody have their own agenda @ plan during this weekend.. 

O.k... back to the desk, today we have a communication sessions meeting for TFDD. Hurm..You know what.. i've been invited to joined the session as well. WOW!! so happy dude!! .. I'm sure theres a lot of things i could enjoy... hehe.. i mean the knowledge that i could learn, not the refreshments after the sessions...hahhaha..

Of course, i'm dying to know what they will serve us for the refreshment.. save my coins for today ( actually, i left only coins in my pockets) huhuu.. 

The communication sessions meeting is ' like a two-way communication between the employees and the employers". During this sessions, the employer shares the accomplishments and problems with all the staffs. Here, staffs also could voice out their opinions and ideas in enhancing and improving the company's profits.    

This comm.sessions, is actually focusing in celebrating the accomplishment made by certain project teams that have completed their projects for last financial year. The team members were being honored and praised as of their projects successes. In addition, there were also some projects have been awarded due to their professional project development. By announcing the all the projects that have been successfully completed, the GM, Mr Hudal also shares some tips and motivational quotes in order to boost the morale among the staffs.  

I envied the achievement which being recognized by my superior. It is actually a self-satisfaction which could make us feel so proud of ourselves. Yeah.. i guess, this what the Comm.Sess is all about. So, the employers, should play their role by acknowledging the problems faced by the employees, share his experiences, counselled the staffs to be energetic and be able to handle and face all the obstacles onwards.

Today also, is a farewell party of  Mr Haji , one of the most senior staffs in PGB. He came to his end of the carrier in PGB since he already reached the max working age for PETRONAS. Through his speech, i believed that PETRONAS has taken care of him and his family so well until he decided not to jump to another job till the end of his retirement age. According to him, PETRONAS has been giving him for approximately RM 5 MILLIONS during his service here at PGB.... Those zeros suddenly taken my eyes out for a while and wondering if o ever could be accepted as a staff here... hurm.......

Finally, Lunch TIME!! waa.. theres a lot of foods u know.. i wonder how the PETRONAS's staffs could manage their weights by eating all  this stuffs all the while. Hurmm... but,, i guessed, this is how they get 'bumper and flabby ' things all over their body..hahahhahaha... serious!! Obese is a disaster here man!!