Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 25: TFDD Communication Sessions

Finally... Friday come again.. seriously, since i have temporary changed my profession as what we called from a student to a " working" individual, Friday is the most exciting day to be waited. Yeah.. as what u guessed, the weekend 'mode' could cause everybody lifting long lastingness smiles. Surely, everybody have their own agenda @ plan during this weekend.. 

O.k... back to the desk, today we have a communication sessions meeting for TFDD. Hurm..You know what.. i've been invited to joined the session as well. WOW!! so happy dude!! .. I'm sure theres a lot of things i could enjoy... hehe.. i mean the knowledge that i could learn, not the refreshments after the sessions...hahhaha..

Of course, i'm dying to know what they will serve us for the refreshment.. save my coins for today ( actually, i left only coins in my pockets) huhuu.. 

The communication sessions meeting is ' like a two-way communication between the employees and the employers". During this sessions, the employer shares the accomplishments and problems with all the staffs. Here, staffs also could voice out their opinions and ideas in enhancing and improving the company's profits.    

This comm.sessions, is actually focusing in celebrating the accomplishment made by certain project teams that have completed their projects for last financial year. The team members were being honored and praised as of their projects successes. In addition, there were also some projects have been awarded due to their professional project development. By announcing the all the projects that have been successfully completed, the GM, Mr Hudal also shares some tips and motivational quotes in order to boost the morale among the staffs.  

I envied the achievement which being recognized by my superior. It is actually a self-satisfaction which could make us feel so proud of ourselves. Yeah.. i guess, this what the Comm.Sess is all about. So, the employers, should play their role by acknowledging the problems faced by the employees, share his experiences, counselled the staffs to be energetic and be able to handle and face all the obstacles onwards.

Today also, is a farewell party of  Mr Haji , one of the most senior staffs in PGB. He came to his end of the carrier in PGB since he already reached the max working age for PETRONAS. Through his speech, i believed that PETRONAS has taken care of him and his family so well until he decided not to jump to another job till the end of his retirement age. According to him, PETRONAS has been giving him for approximately RM 5 MILLIONS during his service here at PGB.... Those zeros suddenly taken my eyes out for a while and wondering if o ever could be accepted as a staff here... hurm.......

Finally, Lunch TIME!! waa.. theres a lot of foods u know.. i wonder how the PETRONAS's staffs could manage their weights by eating all  this stuffs all the while. Hurmm... but,, i guessed, this is how they get 'bumper and flabby ' things all over their body..hahahhahaha... serious!! Obese is a disaster here man!!    

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