Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 15: UPS (Cont'd)

The UPS specifications could be divided into 3 types :-

Standby Mode UPS

For Standby Mode UPS, the power current went through the surge compressor and filter to the Transfer switch in normal operation. During the failure operation, the transfer switch will tap on the other route, the battery will release current to flow through the inverter to the transfer switch and finally to the desired load. In this operation, the battery is classified as secondary source which put on standby, and release the power during the failure situation.

Line Interactive UPS

For Line-Interactive UPS, the designed is completely different since the inverter are connected as a hub to all the connections. This connection include the i/p, secondary input and Output. Since the output are connected directly at the inverter, the response of the system is improved. it means, the switch time is reduced when the failure situation occurs. An AC input will go thru the inverter, charge the battery and the flows to thr inverter back to the output terminal. If failure situation occur, the transfer switch will be disconnected, and the charged power stored inside the battery will act as a source to the output load.

 Standby-Ferro UPS

The structure of the Ferro-standby UPS is approximately the same as the normal standby UPS. The only difference, is the use of transformer instead of using a normal switch. There transformer act as a buffer which links between the primary, secondary and the load. the output windings, will determine the input to be choose. during the normal operation, it will choose the primary and vice versa during the outage situation.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 14: UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) again... today is a journey to a better place... to a very cold place..where we can see the birds flying  around, a melody of the air breeze ... where the tense all came off.. and most important, mouth watering foods being serves on the table with a panoramic view.......BUZZZZZZZZ!!!

Darn..! It just an imagination...  Actually im stuck in front of the computer, full of documents to be read on my tables, n i am starving to death......huhuhuhhuuh....  

Ok... enough with my inner side voice... Today i continue to learn more details about the UPS. Through the e-learning, i could grab the definition and the application of the UPS.. but still, i need to see it with my 2 eyes personally only i could purely master the UPS..Hopefully, i got that chance...


a device that has alternative source of energy that can provide power when the primary source is temporary disable.

The disturbances causing the failure of the primary source might be due to :-

  1. Lightning
  2. Breaker Tripping
  3. Construction activities
  4. Equipment failure

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 13 : Petronas E-learning Module

Today, i tried to finish the e-learning module which counted as my assignments assigned by Mr. Adli.

This e-learning concept is actually an intranet staff's accounts access to enhance the understanding of the PETRONAS' instruments and facilities. This e-learning includes many types of module which is actually a simple learning programs complete with the assessments on each topics. There are severals topics highlighted by Mr. Adli for me.

By doing the e-learning module, 1 by 1.. everyday, i improved my learning and also my understanding rate of the technical facilities used in the O&G industries. Other than that, the e-learning also provide the learning module in leadership, business and motivational modules. Obviously it shows that PETRONAS is very committed in producing a real competent staffs not only in terms of working purposes, but they tried to develop a pure reliable, trusted,high motivated,matured and professional workmanships. I'm glad i could see the serious professional environments during my training.

 Besides the e-learning assignment, Mr adli also constructed a structured plans for my training in PGB. It include the assignments+projects which need to be presented each week whilst my training here. The most interesting part is, the plans also included soft skills training. For the soft skills, i need to read a book, titled " From Where you Are, to What You Are Going To Be". According to him, this is  a great book and very useful in my future if i implemented the principles proposed inside the book. So, Im gonna have a very wonderful experiences here for the following 3 months.

For me, technical + soft skills training program created for me, suits we very well. So, For my followers, i will definitely share the contents of the Book later.. Sure, we could also applies it in our lives.......

Dream of a very big things... don't ever limit yourself for every single wishes..

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 12: Switchgear (Cont'd)

SwitchGear... continue from yesterday... Today i will give a brief explanation about the switch gear..

What is Switchgear?
Switchgear is a general term of covering switching devices and their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment.

3 terms that actually describe the function of the switchgear :-

  1. Control
  2. Measure &
  3. Protect
* The term switching device is a device that assigned to make a break the current in one or more electrical acts*

The very earliest switchgear central power stations used simple open knife switches, mounted on insulating panels of marble or asbestos. Power levels and voltages rapidly escalated, making open manually-operated switches too dangerous to use for anything other than isolation of a de-energized circuit. By the early 20th century, a switchgear line-up would be a metal-enclosed structure with electricity-operated switching elements, using oil circuit-breakers. Today, oil-filled equipment has  largely replaced by air-blast, vacuum, or SF6 equipment, allowing large currents and power levels to be safely controlled by automatic equipment incorporating digital controls, protection, metering and communications.

Hybrid Switchgear
Switchgear Highvoltage (HV)
Tram Switchgear
Industrial Switchgear

So, switchgear could be conclude as a very important parameters to determine the efficiency of the production in an industrial organisations. Almost all of the production factories, small or big, depends on the switchgear for their running process. This is to ensure the production flows is smooth and secure even though there are failure occurrence at some states. 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 11- Switchgear

After several reviews...  i noticed that switchgear is one of the main components in Gas Processing plant.. Normally, if undesirable events happen inside the plant, firstly... these response team.. engineers, technicians...etc will look into the switchgear....
From the word.... at first i thought it is actually a physical bulky equipment attached with a big gear and tiny switch to make it runs...... hahahhahahahaha... that how i visualise things in my mind...
As u guessed, i am 100% wrong!! According to Mr. Adli ( my supervisor), it is actually a compartment which consist main instruments connected to the operating circuits. The word “Gear” is actually refers to the equipment. So Switchgear means switch-equipment...?? does it make sense....??

Later will thoroughly share what is actually switchgear...