Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 20th : Labour Day Replacement holiday hehehehe...

On 30th April 2010, is a replacement public holiday due to Labour Day Celebration which is actually tomorrow..1st May 2010... Hurmm... since i am also an employee, i guess i should reward myself too..... hahahha... so, im thinking to go for Pesta Mencandat Sotong at Terengganu... hihihihihi... Anyway, nothing to write today.. see you on Monday.... This coming Monday (3rd May 2010) is gonna be an interesting day since i was invited to join Mr Adli in FAT.. hehehehe.. what is FAT?? wait till Monday... :) C ya...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 19: My 1st Technical Meeting

Today, i rushed out from house coz i want to drop by the Nasi Lemak stalls. I have been monitoring this stall since my 1st day working. HAHAHA.. it sounds like a terrible stalker...but.. i only peep on Nasi Lemak okkk...
So, once i parked my car, i shoot to buy NASI LEMAK KERANG... Darn!! it cost me RM2.90.. Normally, if i buy at the pantry, it will only cost me RM 2.50..

HAHAHA..maybe the deficit is low, but with that 40cents i could use for my train fares. I quickly hopped in the LRT after that.huhuuh... seats are fully occupied.. hurmmm, need to be earlier i guess.

Once Arrived, as per normal, plugged in my laptop, and went to the pantry for breakfast. huh!! nothing special about the nasi lemak.. just ordinary taste.. A little chit chat with the staffs, starts my day with a laughs and smiles. Hurmm... what a way to start my day....

Ok.. back to the topic, I was invited by Mr Tuan Azizi to join him in a RCA meeting. Mr Tuan Azizi post as a Senior Engineer in Electrical department. RCA stands for Root Cause Analysis. It is a meeting where all the engineering team will gather and discuss to overcome any problem occurs in their project. Normally, RCA is a post-project meeting to clarify their problems after a project have been settled. It usually involves the faulty, ignorance and carelessness of the project individuals who cause the project to be in losses or failure.

In this meeting, Mr Tuan Azizi used some methods to narrow down the bigger scope of failure in order to investigate and find the respective reason causes the VO (Variation Order). Variation order is specificiation of equipment which need to be installed or improved the designed project due to the consumers demand. VO is actually some sort of losses to the company since they need to reconstruct the already design project. This could lead the company to pump in more money just to improved it since the engineer lack to acknowledge the consumers demand. In this case, simple mistake or overlooked could cost them HUNDREDS MILLION RINGGIT.,..!!!

Method that have been used are :-
1) Fish Bone
2) 5 Why methods.

From this meeting, i could learn that as an engineer we have to be more responsible and high disciplines. This mentality could prevent the engineer to do silly mistakes which cause the company to be losses. Engineers, have to be prepared in any circumstances raised on the project. Yes we cant forecast the future, but could prepare the way to prevent any unwanted or undesirable situation especially involving the losses of the company and most important,if it involves human life.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 18: Function of UPS components (Con't)

Each Components in the UPS system have their own roles. The components allocate inside the system are :

  1. Rectifier
  2. Inverter
  3. Battery
  4. Bypass Transformer
  5. Maintenance Bypass
There are several categories of static UPS system  available. Broadly speaking,UPS modules fall within one of three operational design architectures, namely off-line, line interactive and online.

However, irrespective of their individual design criteria features are common to all forms of static UPS systems - i.e.. they all contain batteries which stores energy when the mains supply is available and a means of converting the battery charge into an alternating current (ac) supply in times of mains failure. All systems must therefore include a battery charger and a power inverter circuit.

As described above, the battery provides a power source for the inverter when the mains supply fails, whereupon it discharges at a rate determined by the critical load connected to the UPS output. The inverter automatically shuts down when its DC supply falls below a certain voltage, therefore the duration for which the critical load can be supported in times of mains failure depends upon the battery capacity and percentage applied load.

What happens if the UPS fails?

A UPS Fault is generally seen as the inability of the inverter to provide the correct voltage or frequency at the UPS output terminals and the resulting actions that take place may vary between models. Usually, the UPS control logic will detect the failing output voltage /frequency as the load to the bypass line in a make-before-break-fashions. However, If the inverter is not synchronized to the bypass supply when the transfer is called from, it will be impossible to perform a break-free transfer operation, consequently there will be a brief supply break while the transfer takes place.

Hurm.... actually the UPS is like a mandatory usage of the organizations@firm in order to maintain their productions. Since it is well usage in industries especially O&G, UPS became frequently updated and improvised in order to meet the specifications needed by the consumers.....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 17 : Function of UPS Components

After my presentation yesterday, Mr Adli suggested to look more details on each of the components in the UPS system. Actually, i can counter my nervous breakdown, but on the other side, i cant concentrate or able to answer simple question such as the function of the rectifier.... my blood circulation and torpedo pumping of my heart suddenly paralyzed my side of thinking. You know what? I score an A for Power Electronics...!! Damn Stress..

But never mind for that, i will give my best on the next meeting. Hopefully this time,  i already master the platform and could counter back all the questions with a very precise and wise answers.....

So, Firstly, i came to the office as per normal.. im quite early today.. actually just wanna skip from a very chaotic traffics and also human congestion inside the train. If im late, sure i'll be squeeze front,back up and down like sardines in a can... U are lucky if you experienced that during morning period.. people is still in good shape.. aromas from their colognes or perfumes still give you some pleasant moments..hahaha BUT, if it is after the working hours, im sure you'll wish to be at the top side of the train...or, maybe u will think.. "is it possible for me to walk.....???"..... Bad breath flowing over the capsule, cheap colognes seems revealing itself, and people already in mess.... the rest i leave it up to you to think.......

Once arrived, 7:45 a.m.... i straight log on the computer and rush into the pantry.. Hopefully theres still "Nasi Lemak" left for me... Yeah!! ive been admiring this for ages.... hahahahah NASI LEMAK SOTONG!!

I begin my work at 8:15a.m...searching and revising myself of the electronics components used in the UPS system.. Actually, to understand is not that hard rather that giving or teaching or present it to someone else..
I end up with notes, to clarify each function of the components and will do slides for its presentation...

will share with you guys later....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 16 : Presentation of Technical and Book Review (Pri.:2)

Today, im gonna have a presentation in front of my supervisor, Mr Adli and Mr Khaidzir... I've already prepare slides for the presentation. Projector and meeting place, i've booked from Kak Yan. She handles the in-house equipment for PGB level 49. We have to book time slots to be able to use the projector or any other equipment needed for our presentation.

So, My Objective today, im gonna give my best in this presentation. Previously, i screwed up my 1st presentation. Maybe, im a bit nervous since im not too familiar with the surrounding and the equipment itself. Plus, i dont even know what i have to present. It is due to the lack of information provided during the 1st week. Actually, its my fault since i couldn't access to the internet to individually search for the info by myself. maybe, i still in the Status of a "student" during that time. Im waiting for the food to be ready, i just lay my bottom on the seats and holding spoon and fork..ready to digest all the meals.. but working here, i have to look for it by myself.. They will help me in the finding process depends on how hard i tried to get it. hurmmmm. the environment looks so crucial and selfish.. but it how they work.. they communicate only when they have problems.. they try to find the solutions and try to overcome problems by themselves before they refer to somebody else... This working phenomenon, actually widen my abilities in standing on my own leg and fit on my own shoes...

For the book reviews, i presented the principle 2 and 3.. In this chapter, the author proposed us to :-

  1. Be clear Why we are Here??
  2. Decide What we want
For principle 2 : " Be Clear Why We Are Here?"

It actually tell us to be focused on what we do. Resolve our mind and body 1st before we could proceed to handle upcoming challenges. By focusing on what we do, it hard for us to be driven away from the disturbances and surrounding interferences which could led us to a different road away from our main purposes.  By making a stopping ground inside our mental and physical control panels.. we could achieve what ever we want. It also suggest us to dream big. Big dreams would turn out to be the best thing happen to us someday. But to achieve that, High determination and never give up is the key for our success.

For principle 3 : " Decide What we Want"

Since we have grounded our main purposes living in this world, now we have to decide what we want to do, achieve during our lifetime. The author suggest us to start by making a list of what we want in our life. Graphical listing is much better in order for us to be energise on our goal. Those listing could be stamp on the wall, making a frame or make a small pocket notes which you could see everyday to bound ourself on our goals. By doing that, we will be more energetic and be able to complete our dreams. 
Last but not least, we have to share our dreams with someone that we trust. By sharing, this dreams could be true by involving someone that care for us. They want us to be success. If we are fortunate, our sharing partner might be able to help us grasping our goals...