Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 11- Switchgear

After several reviews...  i noticed that switchgear is one of the main components in Gas Processing plant.. Normally, if undesirable events happen inside the plant, firstly... these response team.. engineers, technicians...etc will look into the switchgear....
From the word.... at first i thought it is actually a physical bulky equipment attached with a big gear and tiny switch to make it runs...... hahahhahahahaha... that how i visualise things in my mind...
As u guessed, i am 100% wrong!! According to Mr. Adli ( my supervisor), it is actually a compartment which consist main instruments connected to the operating circuits. The word “Gear” is actually refers to the equipment. So Switchgear means switch-equipment...?? does it make sense....??

Later will thoroughly share what is actually switchgear...

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