Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 10: Time to stretch myself......ahh

Hurm... for anybodies who accidentally happen to read my blog... actually im in the middle of  the internship training program at Petronas Gas Berhad (PGB) KLCC...

Difference between me and other intern students which is actually at the plant side is the  real hands-on applications. Hopefully i could involve in one of the site project which could give me an exposure and observation on  how the gas processing is actually being done. ( visiting is just good enough for me)..

According to Mr. Adli... maybe i could but the only obstacles that lies is the matter of  time... whether i got enough time to be absorbed in the team or not... its due to my short internship program which is only last for 3 months... sometimes i envied the UTP's students who actually got the opportunities to be here for 8 months doing their internship... I guess UNITEN also need to change their scheme in order to make us as their student be more competent when we joined the real working environment. In 3 months, i need to stretch myself out to completely understands this industries....

Gas Processing in Paka and Kerteh runs 24 hours, 7 days per week to provide uninterrupted supply to customers

Actually, this is one of my dreams... working in the Oil & Gas sectors... money is not the matter... since in primary school, i already set up my mind to be an engineer in this field... So,as you can see... its actually my passions and integrations down deep in my heart... Being accepted to do my internship here is like an entrance for me.... i hope its not to late for someone at my age now... Hopefully, my dreams could be realize after this... be a real ENGINEER in O&G sectors...... Praised you all the engineers in this sectors... YOU ARE MY ROLE MODEL!!! and I am going to be at your seats later and I WOULD be HIGHER THAN YOU ALL.....

Here at KLCC office, the department is actually handling project designs of the PGB itself.. rather than playing withs "spanars" and mallet.. here dealt with paper & pencils.... they designed the discrete version of the project such as improvising and rejuvenation of the plants on paper, then several process of discussion and presentations, once approved... only proceed with the constructions. So, the engineers here are normally engineers that already served PETONAS for quite some times and mastered their individuals skills truly by heart. Basically, they are from the plant itself............


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