Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 17 : Function of UPS Components

After my presentation yesterday, Mr Adli suggested to look more details on each of the components in the UPS system. Actually, i can counter my nervous breakdown, but on the other side, i cant concentrate or able to answer simple question such as the function of the rectifier.... my blood circulation and torpedo pumping of my heart suddenly paralyzed my side of thinking. You know what? I score an A for Power Electronics...!! Damn Stress..

But never mind for that, i will give my best on the next meeting. Hopefully this time,  i already master the platform and could counter back all the questions with a very precise and wise answers.....

So, Firstly, i came to the office as per normal.. im quite early today.. actually just wanna skip from a very chaotic traffics and also human congestion inside the train. If im late, sure i'll be squeeze front,back up and down like sardines in a can... U are lucky if you experienced that during morning period.. people is still in good shape.. aromas from their colognes or perfumes still give you some pleasant moments..hahaha BUT, if it is after the working hours, im sure you'll wish to be at the top side of the train...or, maybe u will think.. "is it possible for me to walk.....???"..... Bad breath flowing over the capsule, cheap colognes seems revealing itself, and people already in mess.... the rest i leave it up to you to think.......

Once arrived, 7:45 a.m.... i straight log on the computer and rush into the pantry.. Hopefully theres still "Nasi Lemak" left for me... Yeah!! ive been admiring this for ages.... hahahahah NASI LEMAK SOTONG!!

I begin my work at 8:15a.m...searching and revising myself of the electronics components used in the UPS system.. Actually, to understand is not that hard rather that giving or teaching or present it to someone else..
I end up with notes, to clarify each function of the components and will do slides for its presentation...

will share with you guys later....

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