Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 19: My 1st Technical Meeting

Today, i rushed out from house coz i want to drop by the Nasi Lemak stalls. I have been monitoring this stall since my 1st day working. HAHAHA.. it sounds like a terrible stalker...but.. i only peep on Nasi Lemak okkk...
So, once i parked my car, i shoot to buy NASI LEMAK KERANG... Darn!! it cost me RM2.90.. Normally, if i buy at the pantry, it will only cost me RM 2.50..

HAHAHA..maybe the deficit is low, but with that 40cents i could use for my train fares. I quickly hopped in the LRT after that.huhuuh... seats are fully occupied.. hurmmm, need to be earlier i guess.

Once Arrived, as per normal, plugged in my laptop, and went to the pantry for breakfast. huh!! nothing special about the nasi lemak.. just ordinary taste.. A little chit chat with the staffs, starts my day with a laughs and smiles. Hurmm... what a way to start my day....

Ok.. back to the topic, I was invited by Mr Tuan Azizi to join him in a RCA meeting. Mr Tuan Azizi post as a Senior Engineer in Electrical department. RCA stands for Root Cause Analysis. It is a meeting where all the engineering team will gather and discuss to overcome any problem occurs in their project. Normally, RCA is a post-project meeting to clarify their problems after a project have been settled. It usually involves the faulty, ignorance and carelessness of the project individuals who cause the project to be in losses or failure.

In this meeting, Mr Tuan Azizi used some methods to narrow down the bigger scope of failure in order to investigate and find the respective reason causes the VO (Variation Order). Variation order is specificiation of equipment which need to be installed or improved the designed project due to the consumers demand. VO is actually some sort of losses to the company since they need to reconstruct the already design project. This could lead the company to pump in more money just to improved it since the engineer lack to acknowledge the consumers demand. In this case, simple mistake or overlooked could cost them HUNDREDS MILLION RINGGIT.,..!!!

Method that have been used are :-
1) Fish Bone
2) 5 Why methods.

From this meeting, i could learn that as an engineer we have to be more responsible and high disciplines. This mentality could prevent the engineer to do silly mistakes which cause the company to be losses. Engineers, have to be prepared in any circumstances raised on the project. Yes we cant forecast the future, but could prepare the way to prevent any unwanted or undesirable situation especially involving the losses of the company and most important,if it involves human life.

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