Monday, April 5, 2010


1st Day ( 5th April 2010)

Brief overview of the Company itself.... nothing much

i have to register at the counter in order to get a pass.. well, as i imagine, i have to wait for quiet some time (30 mins...damn!) to get the pass... yeah..!! a normal practice... but i don't blame them..
A middle-aged lady confront me and intoduce her self as representative from HRM.(Human Resource)
She brought me to level 50!! WOW!! at first, i cant imagine how it suppose to be!

HR just tour me around and yet... i'm still wondering where am i suppose to be...!!
After a brief explanation about the regulations including attire, punctuality & diciplines...

She said she will tour me to the division suitable for me... TFDD (Technical & Facilities Development Division)... HHHUUURRMM sounds great!

Ive been absorbed in the ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT... so, 1st day is all about my 1st tour to PGB .... hehehehehehe

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